Najwieksza przewage The Gunners nad Citizens widze w osobie managera a takze tym, ze Arsenal nie wydaje sie zmieniac swojego stylu gry na przyszly sezon. Ci pierwsi niezmiennie od lat prowadzeni sa przez francuza Wenger'a natomiast do "niebieskiego Manchesteru" zawitala zupelnie nowa twarz ktora nie wydaje mi sie az tak doswiadczona ( a juz napewno nie na angielskich boiskach ) jak Arsene. Oprocz tego Wenger skrupulatnie buduje mlody zespol na kolejne lata ( Szczesny 23, w obronie tylko Sagna dobil do 30ki, w pomocy Arteta 31 i Rosicky 32 lata natomiast w ataku najstarszy jest Podolski z 28 latami ) i zapewne w tym roku nie bedzie jakiejs wielkiej rewolucji w skladzie i sposobie gry. To powinno dac przewage nad The Citizens ale napewno bedzie za malo na rownie doswiadczonego ale posiadajacego lepszy sklad Moyes'a i spolke. Jesli chodzi o Chelsea to pod wodza Jose mysle, ze nie beda oni musieli sie obawiac o swoich sasiadow.
It is hard to write something more in this thread because as the matter of fact Arsenal team do not seem to change anything for this season so far. Manager who despite of lack of any successes in couple years back still enjoys the trust of the board ( one probably wouldn't say that about supporters ) as well as the same faces on the field without bigger reinforcements rather won't guarantee sudden rise of level by 2 classes up. The Gunners will definitely play fast, beautiful and spectacular ball but unfortunately they will not miss some setbacks like it happened last year. That's why deserved 3rd place for the end of season should or even has to satisfy fans.
The biggest advantage of The Gunners over The Citizens I see in the person of manager as well as in the fact that Arsenal do not seem to be changing their style of football for upcoming season. The first team has been constantly guided for years by Frenchman Wenger whereas there is coming a completely new face to "blue Manchester" which is not so experienced ( and certainly not on english fields ) as Arsene. Apart from that Wenger is precisely building young team for next years ( Szczesny 23, in defensive line only Sagna is 30-yo, at middlefield Arteta is 31 and Rosicky 32 and the oldest person in offensive is Podolski at 28 ) and probably this year there won't be any greater revolution in the composition and method of play. This should give an advantage over The Citizens but will not be enough for so experienced but having better squad Moyes and his crew. Speaking of Chelsea under the leadership of Jose they don't need to be afraid of their neighbours.
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