Fulham - Arsenal typ : 1 dnb @ 3.25 stawka : 500PLN Bet365
Na poczatku ten mecz odpuszczalem bo kursy na gosci byly dosyc dobrze ustawione ale jak widac po wysokim zwyciestwie w Turcji wiara w The Gunners odzyla i kursy pospadaly - mamy typowe value po stronie gospodarzy wiec grzechem by bylo nie sprobowac.
Kazdy doskonale wie jak obie ekipy rozpoczely swoj sezon. The Cottagers sprawili mila niespodzianke swoim kibicom i ugrali komplet na The Stadium of Lights natomiast dzisiejsi goscie rowniez sprawili swoim kibicom niespodzianke ale ta z najgorszych snow - porazka 1-3 na Emirates przeciwko The Villans byla najgorszym inauguracyjnym wynikiem druzyny z Londynu od wielu lat.
Obie ekipy mierza sie ze soba rok w rok w EPL ale mozemy wyroznic takie 2 bardzo kontrastowe czesci w historii ich spotkan. Pierwsza czesc to spotkania od sezonu 01/02 do 07/08 - Arsenal wygral az 12 z 14 meczy (!!!) i tylko raz przegral. To byla totalna dominacja zespolu Wengera a Fulham w niektorych meczach bylo tylko tlem ( porazki 1-4 , 0-3 , 0-4 czy 1-3 mowia same za siebie ). O wiele ciekawiej jednak dzieje sie w spotkaniach tych ekip od sezonu 08/09 do teraz :
Premier League 2012/2013
Fulham Arsenal 0:1
Arsenal Fulham 3:3
Premier League 2011/2012
Fulham Arsenal 2:1
Arsenal Fulham 1:1
Premier League 2010/2011
Fulham Arsenal 2:2
Arsenal Fulham 2:1
Premier League 2009/2010
Arsenal Fulham 4:0
Fulham Arsenal 0:1
Premier League 2008/2009
Arsenal Fulham 0:0
Fulham Arsenal 1:0
Okazuje sie, ze na 10 spotkan Arsenal wygral tylko 4 ( z czego az 3 roznica tylko 1 bramki ). Widac dokladnie, ze ostatnimy czasy The Cottagers podniesli swoj poziom gry jesli chodzi o spotkania derbowe z The Gunners i wlasnie to przekonuje mnie zeby dzis grac na gospodarzy. Oprocz tego gospodarze w tygodniu odpoczywali natomiast Wenger i spolka jechali na bardzo ciezki mecz do Fenerbahce gdzie zagrali 90min na pelnych obrotach - oby dzis odczuli trudy tamtego spotkania.
Fulham - Arsenal typ : 1 dnb @ 3.25 stake : 500PLN Bet365
I wanted to leave this game alone in the beginning because the odds for guests were set good in my opinion but as we can see after high victory in Turkey the faith in The Gunners team has revived and the odds have fallen down - we are having a typical value for the home team and it would be a sin not to give it a try.
Everybody exactly knows how both teams started season. The Cottagers made a very nice surprise for their fans and they got set of points at The Stadium of Lights whereas today's guests also made a surprise for supporters but the one from the worst nightmare - defeat 1-3 at Emirates was the worst opening game of the season for team from London since many years.
Both teams play against each other in EPL year by year but we could mark out 2 very contrast parts in the history of their meetings. First part consists of the games between 01/02 and 07/08 seasons - Arsenal won 12 out of 14 games (!!!) and lost only 1 match. There was a total domination of Wenger's crew and Fulham was very often just a background ( defeats 1-4 , 0-3 , 0-4 , 1-3 speak for themselves ). Much more interesting things,however, happen in those meetings of the teams from season 08/09 until now :
Premier League 2012/2013
Fulham Arsenal 0:1
Arsenal Fulham 3:3
Premier League 2011/2012
Fulham Arsenal 2:1
Arsenal Fulham 1:1
Premier League 2010/2011
Fulham Arsenal 2:2
Arsenal Fulham 2:1
Premier League 2009/2010
Arsenal Fulham 4:0
Fulham Arsenal 0:1
Premier League 2008/2009
Arsenal Fulham 0:0
Fulham Arsenal 1:0
It turns out that out of 10 games Arsenal could win only 4 ( and 3 of these games with a difference of 1 goal ). We can clearly see that recently The Cottagers have raised their level regarding the derby games between The Gunners and that convinces me to bet on home team. Besides, it was the home team who could rest during the week while Wenger and his company went for a very tough game to Fenerbahce where they played 90min at full speed - let's hope they will feel the hardship of that meeting today.
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