Southampton - Sunderland typ : 2 dnb @ 4.33 stawka : 400 PLN Bet365
Gospodarze wyraznie stawiany przez bukmacherow w roli faworyta w tym spotkaniu. Interesujace podejscie do sprawy biorac pod uwage, ze to dopiero 2 kolejka a wedlug mnie Swieci odegraja w tym roku malo znaczaca role w EPL dlatego dziwia kursy na S'oton. Na inauguracje gospodarze pokonali bardzo szczesliwie po rzucie karnym w 90 minucie West Brom 1-0 natomiast goscie musieli uznac wyzszosc londynskiego Fulham przegrywajac na wlasnym obiekcie 0-1.
Poniewaz to dopiero pierwsze kolejki EPL dlatego wpis bedzie krotki ale warto dodac, ze na 6 pojedynkow na St.Marry Stadium az 4 razy gora wychodzily Czarne Koty. Licze jeszcze na spadki na gospodarzy co powinno zaowocowac eleganckim kursem na gosci.
Southampton - Sunderland typ : 2 dnb @ 4.33 stawka : 400 PLN Bet365
The home team is clearly faced by bookmakers as the favorite in this match. This is very interesting approach to the issue taking into account that it's just 2nd round and in my eyes The Saints are going to play this year little important role in EPL so I'm surprised with the odds for S'oton. In the inauguration game today's home team beat West Brom 1-0 after very luckily penalty in 90th minute while guests had to recognize the superiority of london Fulham losing at their own ground 0-1.
Due to the fact that this is just the beginning of EPL the note will be very short but it's worth adding that Black Cats have won 4 out of 6 games at St.Marry Stadium. I'm still counting on odds falling down for home team which should result with nice odds for guests.
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