Caly czas zastanawialem sie ktory z Manchesterow umiescic tuz za "majstrem" i w pierwszym momencie wybor padl na Citizens bo przeciez przed Moyes'em niesamowicie wielkie wyzwanie jakim bedzie objecie schedy po SAFie. Kiedy jednak przyjrzalem sie lepiej nowemu coach'owi City - Manuelowi Pellegrini'emu - i jego CV zdziwilem sie bardzo. Otoz okazuje sie, ze najwiekszym sukcesem 60-letniego chilijczyka na arenie europejskiej jest... polfinal Ligii Mistrzow z Villarealem ( nie wiem czy to ma jakis sens ale wygral z nimi rowniez 2 lata wczesniej Puchar Intertoto ). Nie chce tutaj wywodzic sie na temat Pellegrini'ego bo to wpis o United wiec przejde od razu do szkockiego managera a do chilijczyka wroce przy okazji Man City.
Nowy manager Czerwonych Diablow - David Moyes - staje przed kolosalnym ( wrecz niebezpiecznym ) wyzwaniem, bowiem jak inaczej mozna nazwac sytuacje w ktorej obejmuje sie posade po czlowieku ktory tak naprawde wyniosl na wyzyny to co dzisiaj miliony ludzi na swiecie zna pod nazwa - Manchester United. Nie ma nawet najmniejszych watpliwosci, ze szkot bedzie odczuwal presje zwiazana z prowadzeniem klubu na kazdym kroku a i porownan do Fergusona zapewne tez nie zabraknie. Duza przewage na starcie daje mu to, ze zna on Premier League jak wlasna kieszen. I wbrew pozorom to mogla byc jedna z przyczyn dla ktorych wlasnie SAF wskazal jego jako swojego nastepce ( oprocz oczywistego faktu, ze Moyes to naprawde dobry fachowiec, aczkolwiek bez zadnych tytulow i sukcesow w CV ). Moyes zna swoich rywali na pamiec ( oczywiscie oprocz beniaminkow ) wiec nie powinno byc najmniejszego problemu z rozszyfrowaniem rywala. Gorzej moze wygladac sytuacja w szatni z samymi pilkarzami i kontaktem z nimi - nie od dzis wiadomo, ze malo ktory manager na swiecie posiada taka charyzme jak Sir Alex Ferguson - a gwiazd i gwiazdeczek w szatni United nie brakuje nad ktorymi Moyes bedzie musial zapanowac. I tu moga pojawic sie pewne problemy gdyz napewno bedzie mu ciezko przebic sie przez aure ktora wytworzyl wokol siebie SAF przez te lata i zdobyc szacunek na ktory on pracowal latami. Ciezkie zadanie przed bylym szkoleniowcem Evertonu...
Jesli chodzi o sklad United to nie szykuje sie tam jakas wieksza rewolucja a sam klub wyglada... jakby przespal okno transferowe. Bardzo interesujaco wyglada saga z Rooney'em i wpadlem na taka ciekawa teorie, ze to wszystko tak naprawde moglo byc wyssane z palca. Czemu ? Sprawa wyglada dosyc prosto - skoro nie mamy zamiaru badz nie chcemy wzmacniac sie latem (bo mozliwe, ze nie mamy na to kasy) to trzeba jednak zadbac o to, zeby po pierwsze mowilo sie na rynku transferowym podczas sezonu ogorkowego o United a po drugie - skoro nie mozemy sie wzmocnic kims nowym, to chociaz udajmy, ze wzmocnimy sie faktem, ze nie oddamy najlepszego gracza do rywala tylko zrobimy wszystko zeby zostal. Pisalem to przy okazji wpisu o Chelsea - odejscie Rooney'a z United oznaczaloby dla tego zespolu porazke z miejsca w walce o Mistrza Anglii. To fakt, ze RVP strzelal w zeszlym roku bramki dla United ale malo mowi sie o tym, ze to Wazza robil mu duza robote i sam schodzil w cien dajac wiecej pola do popisu holendrowi. To anglik bral na siebie wieksza odpowiedzialnosc za kreowanie gry, to anglik odciagal obroncow do srodka pola przez co RVP mial wiecej miejsca i czasu i to anglik napewno harowal wiecej na boisku. Dlatego jesli Wazza zostanie na nastepny sezon to tak naprawde spore ( przy braku wiekszych transferow ) wzmocnienie dla United. Jesli zas anglik odejdzie do Chelsea to automatycznie wydajnosc Robina spadnie przez co cale United straci. A Rooney w Chelsea ? Mysle, ze poradzilby sobie wysmienicie pod wodza Mourinho...
Jesli chodzi o reszte skladu United to nie widac wiekszych rotacji poza wprowadzaniem swiezej krwi do skladu i starzejacej sie z roku na rok defensywy i pary Ferdinand - Vidic. Ostatnio czytalem, ze cena za Naniego wynosi jakies 15mln euro co jest kwota niska patrzac w skali swiatowej ale widocznie i z tego pilkarza nie ma juz za wiele pozytku w Manchesterze. Niestety, ale Chelsea ma sklad napewno porownywalny do United ale Jose to jednak 2 klasy wyzsza marka niz Moyes, a i przeciez doswiadczenie z Premier League juz mial. Drugie miejsce na zakonczenie sezonu nie powinno byc niespodzianka wszak to bedzie dopiero 1 sezon Moyes'a na tak powaznym stanowisku.
I’ve been thinking which one of Manchester
teams place just behind the “master” and at the first moment I picked The
Citizens because it’s obvious that taking over the heritage from Ferguson Is
going to be a big challenge for Moyes. But when I looked a bit closer at new
City coach – Manuel Pellegrini – and his CV, I was surprised. Well, it turns
out that the greatest success of 60-year-old Chilean in European football is…
Champions League semi-final with Villareal ( do not know if it makes any sense
but he also win with them Intertoto Cup 2 years back ). I don’t want to talk to
much about Pellegrini in this place cause this is a note about United so I will
go straight to Scot manager and will get back to Chilean by the way of writing
about City.
New manager of Red Devils – David Moyes –
is facing a huge ( even dangerous ) challenge because how else would You name a
situation when You take over the post from the man who indeed reached to the
new heights something that million of people around the world know at the name
of – Manchester United. There are no
doubts that the Scot will feel the pressure on every single step regarding
running the club and probably will not even miss comparisons to Ferguson. What
gives him a big advantage at the start at club is that he knows Premier League
as his own pocket. And despite appearances this could be one of the reasons why
Ferguson picked him as his successor ( besides clear fact that Moyes is a very
good manager, nevertheless without any titles and successes in his CV ). Moyes
knows his rivals by heart ( of course except the “freshmen” in EPL ) so there
shouldn’t be any bigger problems with decoding his opponents. The situation may
look worse in locker room with the players and contact with them – it is widely
known that there are very little managers in the world who would have such a
charisma as Sir Alex Ferguson – and United dressing rooms gathers stars and
starlets which Moyes will have to control. This may cause some problems because
certainly it is going be hard to break through the aura which Ferguson created
around himself over the years and to become as respected as him for which he
worked also many years. It looks like a heavy task in front of former Everton
Speaking of Unitedit doesn’t seem that any
greater revolution is going to happen in the crew and the club itself look… as
if have slept a transfer window. Saga of Rooney looks really interesting and I
even came up with such a theory that whole thing about it could be just fabricated.
Why ? The case is pretty simple – if we are not about to or we don’t want to
enhance ourselves during summer ( because we may not have enough money ) we
still need to care in first place to make people talk about United during the
transfer window and summer break and second of all – if we cannot strengthen
our team with a new face, let’s at least pretend that we are going to strengthen
with the fact of not giving our best player to the opponent but doing
everything it takes to make him stay. I wrote about that by the way of Chelsea
note –Rooney’s leaving from United would mean defeat at the start in fight for
EPL championship. It’s a fact that RVP scored plenty of goals for United last
season but little is said that Rooney was behind the Dutch succeed because he
would do the dirty job and go into shadow leaving more space for Robin to
shine. The British would take more responsibility for creating the game, it was
the British who distracted and drew away defenders into the middle of field so
that RVP had more space and time and it was definitely Englishman who toiled
more on the pitch. Therefore if Wazza stays for the next season ( over the lack
of any bigger transfers ) it will really mean as the big strengthening of
United. But if Englishman goes to Chelsea then RVP’s efficiency will
automatically drop down and whole United team will lose. What about Rooney at
Chelsea ? I think, that he would make himself really good under the leadership
of Mourinho…
Regarding the rest of United team I quite
don’t see any major rotations except bringing fresh blood into the squad and
ageing year after year defensive line and couple Ferdinand – Vidic. Recently I
read that price for Nani is around 15mln euro which is very low considering the
world class players values but apparently there is not much use from this
player in Manchester anymore. Unfortunately Chelsea has comparable squad to
United one but Jose’s brand is at least 2 class higher than Moyes, and after all he also has not little experience of the
Premier League. Runner-up for the end of the season shouldn’t be received as
surprise after all this is going to be Moyes’s first season on such a serious
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