Pierwsze kolejki w EPL od
lat przynoszą to samo – niespodzianki. Rok temu na starcie sezonu zawiodły 3
znane marki – Arsenal u siebie tylko zremisowal 0-0 z Sunderlandem natomiast
United i The Redsprzegraly swoje wyjazdowe mecze. Dwa lata temu na inauguracje
znowu Sunderland był w roli glownej – na Anfieldwywalczyl remis 1-1. Oprocz
tego dwa giganty z Londynu – Arsenal i Chelsea – zremisowaly swoje wyjazdy do
Newcastle i Stoke. Trzy lata temu było
już spokojniej ale to za sprawa zupełnie innego terminarza ( mocne ekipy na
starcie mierzyly się ze sobą , Spurs 0-0 City , Pool 1-1 Arsenal ) wiec o
niespodzianki było trochę trudniej. W tym roku startujemy z nadzwyczaj ciekawym
terminarzem gdzie już na starcie mamy dwie domowe potyczki zespolow, które
ostatnimy laty zawodzą.
Arsenal – Aston
Villa typ : 2 dnb @ 6.00 stawka : 200 PLN Bet365
Przed sezonowe sparingi
odrzucam od razu bo dla mnie osobiście to mecze pokazowe polaczone z
kombinacjami managerow na temat nowego stylu gry itd. W każdym bądź razie nie
sa miarodajne w zakresie formy zespolow.
The Gunners ostatni raz
wygrali na inauguracje w sezonie 2009/10 pokonujacEverton na Goodisonaz 6-1 !
Od tego czasu 3 remisy i niby jest okazja żeby się przelamac ale… Arsenal wcale
tak dobrze z The Villans się nie prezentuje – w Londynie były już wpadki jak ta
z 2006 roku i 1-1 czy obie z 2008 roku ( na przestrzeni dwóch sezonow w 1 roku
kalendarzowym The Villans wygrali 2-0 i zremisowali jeszcze raz 1-1 w Londynie
) bądź dosyć swiezaporazka 1-2 w 2011 roku. Od tego czasu w EPL ekipy spotkaly
się dwa razy w Londynie i dwa razy gora był Arsenal ( 3-0 i 2-1 ) wiec tak
sobie myśle, ze może to jest dobra okazja na przełamanie tej passy…
Liverpool – Stoke typ : 2 dnb @ 6.90 stawka : 200 PLN Betsafe
Stoke strzelilo sobie
strasznie w kolano – to Tony Pullisstworzyl unikalny i niespotykany ( dla wielu
wręcz obrzydliwy i porównywany do rugby ) styl gry, który akurat dawal wyniki i
rezultaty tej ekipie. Dla mnie osobiście Pullisrobilswietnarobote – miał ludzi
i piłkarzy takich jakich miał wiec stworzyl pod nich cala taktykę i myśl
pilkarska. Oczywiście moglo się to niepodobac niedzielnym kibicom, ze zespol
zamiast grac w pilke jak Barcelona gra długie „lagi” do przodu na walke ale dla
mnie miało to swój urok bo wiadomo było od początku ze każdy mecz z gigantem
będzie dla przyjezdnych meczarnia i tak tez bylo. Ale kończmy już z The Potters
– manager się zmienil i to może być duzygwozdz do trumny dla tego zespołu.
Jeśli chodzi o Liverpool
to ten sezon widze dla nich zupełnie tak samo jak zeszly – podczas gdy inne
ekipy albo się zbroja, zmieniają managerow na lepszych albo przechodzą w
przypadku United totalna rewolucje – tam sytuacja wygląda mniej więcej
podobnie. Manager z poprzedniego sezonu zostaje ten sam, sytuacja w składzie
ulegla tylko takiej zmianie ze w miejsce Reiny sprowadzono młodszego Mignoleta
( zobaczymy jak belg udźwignie presje spotkan na Anfield , Czarne Koty to nie
te same oczekiwania niestety co u The Reds ) i nawet Suarez wydaje się pogodzić
z mozliwoscianie odejścia w tym sezonie a Steve G. dalej będzie pelnil funkcje
„The General” . Skoro wszystko jest po staremu to w jaki sposób druzyna ma
zaskoczyć wszystkich ? Oczywiste jest, ze poza zasięgiem będą ekipy Chelsea,
Man United i Arsenalu. Jeśli chodzi o Man City i Tottenham ( nawet jeśli
sprzedadzą Bale’a to i tak będą mieli paczke lepsza niż L’pool ) to uważam, ze
również skoncza sezon przed The Reds.
Co do samego meczu to
historia spotkan miedzy zainteresowanymi na Anfield jest bardzo ciekawa :
2012/13 – Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
2011/12 – Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
2010/11 – Liverpool 2-0 Stoke
2009/10 – Liverpool 4-0
2008/09 – Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
Jedynie dwie wygrane na 5 ostatnich wizyt The Potters na Anfield nie napawaja jakims hura optymizmem. Martwic moze tylko to, ze Stoke nie strzelilo ani jednego gola ale wiadomo jak ten zespol gra - rzut wolny, rozny badz jakas ciezka wrzutka i z niczego moze pasc bramka. Liverpoolowi nie zaufam na pewno bo w zeszlym roku pokazali jak potrafia grac w kratke - na to samo licze w tym sezonie.
Finally we are taking off with Premier Leauge - the best, the heaviest and the most colorful league in the world. This is league where season for each team - title pretendent, medium team with ambitions or new freshmen team either the one that will fight to maintain for next season - looks the same and reminds the fastest full of rainbow's colours Rollercoaster. All shades of the darkest and most toned colours that cool by those who express the most aggression and emotion combined with the fast ride once up and once down - this is waiting for the biggest followers, supporters and fanatic fans of their football clubs from UK and will remain for the next couple of months.
First rounds in EPL have brought for the past years the same - surprises. Year ago at the start of the season 3 big brands dissapointed - Arsenal drew 1-1 at home against Sunderland while in the meantime United and Liverpool both lost their away games. Two years ago on the inauguration Sunderland was the culprit once again - they got 1-1 at Anfield. Besides that two big firms from London - Arsenal and Chelsea - tied their away games to Newcastle and Stoke. Three years back it was much calmer but it was due to the completely different schedule ( strong teams would play against each other ; Spurs 0-0 City , Pool 1-1 Arsenal ) so it was a bit harder to get a surprise. This season we are starting with very interesting fixture where at the start we are having two home games of teams that would dissapoint during last years.
Arsenal – Aston Villa pick : 2 dnb @ 6.00 stake : 200 PLN Bet365
I pretty do not care about pre-season games because I always thought that these matches were just to make show for fans or to combine with squad and fresh blood or new style of playing. Nevertheless in my opinion they don't give too much information about recent form of each team.
The Gunners won their last opener in season 2009/10 when they won over Everton 6-1 at Goodison ! Since then they have got 3 ties and it seems that now is a chance to break a bad pass but... Arsenal don't get good results against The Villans - there was a setback in London in 2006 when game finished 1-1 or these 2 results from 2008 ( over the one calendar year in 2 seasons The Villans won 2-0 and drew once again 1-1 both times in London ) or even pretty fresh defeat 1-2 in 2011. Since then both teams have met in EPL for two times and both games won Arsenal ( 3-0 and 2-1 ) that's why I think this could be a moment to break that 2 games pass...
Liverpool – Stoke typ : 2 dnb @ 6.90 stawka : 200 PLN Betsafe
Stoke has shot themselves in the foot real hard - it was Tony Pullis who created unique and unparalleled ( for many disgusting and even compared to rugby ) style of play which actually gave this team results and points. For me personally Pullis did very good job - he had people and footballer the way they were so he came up with the whole tactics and football conception for them. Of course watching this style could reject sunday football fans who would expect them to play like Barcelona instead of kicking long balls forward to fight for but for me it had some charm cause it was obvious that any time big team would come, they would suffer, and so it happened. But let's finish with The Potters - manager has been changed and this could be the main nail into the coffin.
Speaking of Liverpool I can see the upcoming season for them the same as previous one - whilst other big teams are arming themselves, changing managers for better ones or going through big revolution like in United case - there situation looks pretty familiar and the same. Manager from last season remains on his position, the squad has been literally changed only by transfer of young Mignolet in place for Reina ( we will see how Belgian will handle the pressure of games at Anfield ; The Black Cats are unfortunately not the same expectations as The Reds ) and even Suarez seems to have become reconciled about his not leaving this season and Steve G. is still going to act as "The General". So if everything is as usual at the club how does this team want to surprise everyone around ? Obviously outside the reach of Liverpool are going to be teams like Chelsea, Man United and Arsenal. Regarding Man City and Tottenham ( even after selling Bale will still have better crew than L'pool ) I also do see them on higher positions than The Reds.
As for the game the story of meetings between stakeholders at Anfield is very interesting :
The Gunners won their last opener in season 2009/10 when they won over Everton 6-1 at Goodison ! Since then they have got 3 ties and it seems that now is a chance to break a bad pass but... Arsenal don't get good results against The Villans - there was a setback in London in 2006 when game finished 1-1 or these 2 results from 2008 ( over the one calendar year in 2 seasons The Villans won 2-0 and drew once again 1-1 both times in London ) or even pretty fresh defeat 1-2 in 2011. Since then both teams have met in EPL for two times and both games won Arsenal ( 3-0 and 2-1 ) that's why I think this could be a moment to break that 2 games pass...
Liverpool – Stoke typ : 2 dnb @ 6.90 stawka : 200 PLN Betsafe
Stoke has shot themselves in the foot real hard - it was Tony Pullis who created unique and unparalleled ( for many disgusting and even compared to rugby ) style of play which actually gave this team results and points. For me personally Pullis did very good job - he had people and footballer the way they were so he came up with the whole tactics and football conception for them. Of course watching this style could reject sunday football fans who would expect them to play like Barcelona instead of kicking long balls forward to fight for but for me it had some charm cause it was obvious that any time big team would come, they would suffer, and so it happened. But let's finish with The Potters - manager has been changed and this could be the main nail into the coffin.
Speaking of Liverpool I can see the upcoming season for them the same as previous one - whilst other big teams are arming themselves, changing managers for better ones or going through big revolution like in United case - there situation looks pretty familiar and the same. Manager from last season remains on his position, the squad has been literally changed only by transfer of young Mignolet in place for Reina ( we will see how Belgian will handle the pressure of games at Anfield ; The Black Cats are unfortunately not the same expectations as The Reds ) and even Suarez seems to have become reconciled about his not leaving this season and Steve G. is still going to act as "The General". So if everything is as usual at the club how does this team want to surprise everyone around ? Obviously outside the reach of Liverpool are going to be teams like Chelsea, Man United and Arsenal. Regarding Man City and Tottenham ( even after selling Bale will still have better crew than L'pool ) I also do see them on higher positions than The Reds.
As for the game the story of meetings between stakeholders at Anfield is very interesting :
2012/13 – Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
2011/12 – Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
2010/11 – Liverpool 2-0 Stoke
2009/10 – Liverpool 4-0 Stoke
2008/09 – Liverpool 0-0 Stoke
Only two victories out of 5 last The Potters visits to Anfield cannot inspire with optimism. Can only worry the fact the guests haven't scored a single goal but everybody knows how they play - free kick, corner kick or any kind of difficult cross and they may score out of nothing. I definitely won't trust Liverpool cause last season they showed how they could play rough - and that's what I see for them this year too.
Only two victories out of 5 last The Potters visits to Anfield cannot inspire with optimism. Can only worry the fact the guests haven't scored a single goal but everybody knows how they play - free kick, corner kick or any kind of difficult cross and they may score out of nothing. I definitely won't trust Liverpool cause last season they showed how they could play rough - and that's what I see for them this year too.
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