środa, 28 sierpnia 2013

CAPITAL ONE CUP - 1/32 finals

Wczorajszy dzien w tym malo ciekawym pucharku pod znakiem pewniakow. Jedynie QPR poleglo u siebie 0-2 ze Swindon oraz Lpool meczyl sie niemilosiernie z Notts County. Na 9 ekip z Premier League wczoraj tylko Crystal Palace pozegnalo sie z tymi rozgrywkami co jest wynikiem ciekawym... Dlatego dzis licze na niespodzianki i wpadki wyzej notowanych ekip z EPL.

Accrington - Cardiff typ : 1 dnb @ 5.50 stawka : 200 PLN Bet365

Goscie zapewne pojawia sie na olbrzymiej ilosci kuponow ( wygrana w niedziele z City 3-2 daje pewna wiare w ten zespol na dzis ) tworzac z tego meczu zwykla masowke. Biorac pod uwage jednak fakt, ze w sobote podejmuja oni kolejnego trudnego rywala jakim jest Everton oraz to, ze w meczu z Citizens naprawde sie napracowali gram przeciwko nim. Zmeczenie niedzielnym meczem moze o sobie dac znac a dla takich ekip jak The Bluebirds wazniejsze sa jednak spotkania w EPL niz walka o jakis tam pucharek.

Aston Villa - Rotherham typ : 2 dnb @ 8.00 stawka : 200 PLN Bet365

The Villans rozegraja 4 mecz w ciagu uwaga - 12 dni. Po sensacji na Emirates przyszla kolej na naprawde dobre zawody na Stamford a potem dosyc pechowac porazke u siebie z Poolem. W ciagu tygodnia kalendarzowego 3 mecze z naprawde wymagajacymi rywalami - to sie musi odbic na kondycji i silach pilkarzy Lambert'a. Kurs na gospodarzy bardzo cienki wiec duze value po stronie gosci.

Morecambe - Newcastle typ : 1 dnb @ 4.40 stawka : 132.50 PLN Betsafe

1 dnb @ 4.00 stawka : 87.50 PLN Betsafe

W ekipie Srok ma zabraknac takich nazwisk jak Cabaye, Tiote, Remy, Haidara, Gutierrez oraz Taylor. To bardzo duze oslabienie dla tego zespolu. Co moze cieszyc to fakt, ze goscie jeszcze w tym sezonie w lidze bramki nie strzelili natomiast gospodarze w 2 domowych spotkaniach zdobywali gole.

Stoke - Walsall typ : 2 dnb @ 4.65 stawka : 117 PLN Betsafe

2 dnb @ 4.25 stawka : 83 PLN Betsafe

Zeby zrozumiec ten typ trzeba zajrzec troche w przyszlosc. Ekipa Garncarzy w weekend jedzie do Londynu na mecz z West Hamem i uwazam, ze na tym spotkaniu bardziej zalezy managerowi Hughes'owi. Przemawiaja za tym dwa czynniki - po pierwsze West Ham wczoraj gral u siebie z Cheltenhamem a wiec bedzie mial 1 dzien wiecej odpoczynku a po drugie Stoke czekaja za chwile bardzo ciezkie spotkania z Man City (h) oraz Arsenalem (a). Przydaloby sie cos ugrac teraz przeciwko Mlotom a do tego widzac po formie chlopakow Big Sam'a beda potrzebne sily ktore dzis nalezaloby troche oszczedzic.

Yesterday was a pretty boring and won by sure teams day in this not so interesting cup. Only QPR lost 0-2 against Swindon and L'pool struggled a lot with Notts County. Out of 9 Premier League teams playing on Tuesday only Crystal Palace had to say goodbye to this cup which is pretty interesting result... That's why today I'm counting on some surprises and setback of some higher classified teams.

Accrington - Cardiff typ : 1 dnb @ 5.50 stawka : 200 PLN Bet365

The pick for guest team should appear on plenty of coupons today ( Sunday victory 3-2 over Man City should give a lot of hope in this team for today ) making out of this game just a simple mass pick. Taking into account the fact, that on Saturday they are welcoming at home another difficult team Everton and also that they worked realy hard in match against Citizens, I will bet against them. Today could come out the tiredness of Sunday game and I think that for such teams as The Bluebirds points in EPL are more important than some small cup.

Aston Villa - Rotherham typ : 2 dnb @ 8.00 stawka : 200 PLN Bet365

The Villans are about to play 4th match in - 12 days. After sensational result at Emirates came turn on really decent match at Stamford and then a bit lucky lose against Pool at home. During calendar week 3 games with very demanding rivals - it has to have impact on condition and steam of Lambert's boys. The odds for home team are very poor so we're having big value for guests.

Morecambe - Newcastle typ : 1 dnb @ 4.40 stawka : 132.50 PLN Betsafe

1 dnb @ 4.00 stawka : 87.50 PLN Betsafe

The Magpies team is going to miss such names as Cabaye, Tiote, Remy, Haidara, Gutierrez and Taylor. It means very big weakness for this team. What could be a good sign is a fact, that guests haven't scored in 2 league games yet and home team scored in both of their home matches.

Stoke - Walsall typ : 2 dnb @ 4.65 stawka : 117 PLN Betsafe

2 dnb @ 4.25 stawka : 83 PLN Betsafe

To understand this pick we need to look a little bit in the future. The Potters team is going to London in the weekend to play against West Ham and in my opinion manager Hughes will care more about this game than today's match. Two factors are for - 1st of all The Hammers played yesterday with Cheltenham at home so they're going to have 1 day more to rest and 2nd of all Stoke is afterwards facing two very difficult games versus Man City (h) and Arsenal (a). It would be really useful to get some points against The Hammers and to make it Hughes's boys will require some energy cause Big Sam company seem to be in form.

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