piątek, 16 sierpnia 2013

1.kolejka 2013/2014 cz.2 / 1.round 2013/2014 part 2

West Ham - Cardiff typ : 2 dnb @ 2.85 stawka : 300 PLN Betsafe

Mloty wydaja sie miec pewien patent na gosci bo na 4 ostatnie mecze u siebie wygrywali 3 z nich. Nie jest to jakas duza ilosc spotkan po ktorych moznaby cos wywrozyc a na dodatek 2 z tych zwycieskich spotkan rozegrane zostaly w 2005 i 2004 roku a wiec dosyc dawno temu.

West Ham nie powinien miec wiekszych problemow z utrzymaniem sie w lidze bo ma dalej druzyne glodna gry w Premier League. Managerem dalej pozostaje Big Sam a wiec nie powinno zabraknac jakosci w tej ekipie aczkolwiek dalej odnosze wrazenie ze Mloty dostaly niewygodnego rywala jak na 1 kolejke. The Bluebirds napewno jeszcze pamietaja zeszloroczne baraze o EPL gdzie to wlasnie ulegli w 2-meczu... West Hamowi. Goscie bardzo dobrze pamietaja gorycz tej porazki a londynczycy jesli zagraja zbyt wyluzowani moga sie dac zaskoczyc na co tez licze.

Swansea - Man United typ : 1 dnb @ 2.70  stawka : 300 PLN Betsafe

Kursy na gosci leca do gory i w sumie nie dziwi ta sytuacja - Labedzie u siebie w tym sezonie moga byc naprawde ciezkim orzechem do zgryzienia dla topowych ekip ale zapewne czasami z kims slabszym powinie im sie noga...

Mowiac o tym spotkaniu na mysl przychodza mi slowa nowego managera United. Szkot Moyes stwierdzil ostatnio, ze federacja celowo ulozyla tak ciezki terminarz dla United zeby Ci mieli trudniej w obronie tytulu. Czyzby juz na starcie sezonu Moyes szukal wymowek dla ewentualnej porazki w skali sezonu ?

West Ham - Cardiff typ : 2 dnb @ 2.85 stawka : 300 PLN Betsafe

The Hammers seem to be having some kind of patent on guests cause they've won 3 out of 4 last clashes at home. This is not a big amount of meetings that You could forecast from and additionally 2 out of these won games were held in 2005 and 2004 so pretty long time ago.

West Ham shall not have any bigger problems with remaining in the league cause the team still look really hungry for the games in the top flight. The manager is still the same in figure of Big Sam so the quality in the team will be good but I have a feeling that Hammers get uncomfortable opponent as for the 1.round game. The Bluebirds haven't forgotten last year play-offs for Premier League where they were defeated in 2leg games by... West Ham. Today's guests remember the bitternes of that defeat very well and if Londoners are too relaxed this afternoon they could get surprised, what I also count on.

Swansea - Man United typ : 1 dnb @ 2.70  stawka : 300 PLN Betsafe

The odds for guests are going up and actually it's not surprising - The Swans could be very tough nut to crack at home for top teams this season but undoubtedly they will lose some points to worse teams...

Speaking of this game come to my mind words which new United manager said. Scot Moyes recently claimed that english federation purposely arranged such a difficult fixture for United so his team could face more difficult task to defend the title. Isn't Moyes looking for an excuse yet at the start of season in case of eventual defeat in the scale of whole year ?

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