Aston Villa - Liverpool typ : 1 dnb @ 2.75 stawka : 400 PLN Bet365
Z braku czasu brak dluzszej analizy - gospodarze rozegrali juz 2 naprawde dobre spotkania przeciwko topowym angielskim zespolom w ktorych pokazali sie z niezwykle dobrej strony. The Reds to polka nizej niz Arsenal czy Chelsea wiec The Villans staja przed szansa na punkty.
Aston Villa - Liverpool typ : 1 dnb @ 2.75 stawka : 400 PLN Bet365
Due to lack of time there will bo no longer analysis - home team has already played 2 very good games against top english teams i which they showed very good piece of football. The Reds are definitely lower classified than Arsenal or Chelsea so The Villans are facing a chance to collect another points.
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