wtorek, 13 sierpnia 2013

PREMIER LEAGUE 2013/2014 TOP4 - part 1

Bez jakiegos wiekszego wstepu postaram sie przyblizyc sylwetki 4 potencjalnych ekip ktore w nadchodzacym sezonie zakoncza wedlug mnie rozgrywki w TOP4. Kolejnosc nie jest przypadkowa a wrecz chronologiczna, a wiec zaczynamy :


Dlaczego ekipa The Blues ? Dla mnie osobiscie glownym czynnikiem przemawiajacym za londynczykami bedzie powrot na stare smieci Jose Mourinho. Wiem, ze jest wielu antyfanow i krytykow portugalczyka ktorzy twierdza, ze to wcale nie jest dobry manager i fachowiec ale coz, ja sie z tym absolutnie nie zgadzam. Od zawsze podobala mi sie jego praca z ludzmi, to w jaki sposob bral na siebie ciezar i cala medialna presje tylko po to, zeby jego pilkarze byli jak najmniej atakowani i prowokowani. I to jest duza umiejetnosc w dzisiejszym swiecie - odwrocic uwage mediow od innych a skupic ja na sobie dla dobra zespolu. Podczas jego pierwszego pobytu w Chelsea pare sezonow temu wychodzilo mu jak i calemu The Blues ta psychologiczna zagrywka na bardzo dobre - on sam zapracowal nie bez powodu na miano "bufona" i "zadufanego w sobie pajaca" ( co zreszta mu wcale nie przeszkadzalo ) natomiast w miedzyczasie Chelsea rozbijala w Anglii kazdego rywala w pyl doprowadzajac nierzadko najlepszych rywali do furii. Nie chce sie skupiac na przygodach The Special One we Wloszech i Hiszpani bo tam jest zupelnie inna polityka klubow w lidze - managerowie nie do konca moga sobie na wszystko pozwolic a juz w Madrycie to Perez "nie rozstawal sie przy pomeczowym mikrofonie" od Mourinha nawet na krok ( stad tez konflikt w ktory obaj Panowie popadli ). Oczywiscie to jest przenosnia aczkolwiek Jose nie mogl chociazby krytykowac sedziow, bo to przeciez niegodne Krolewskiej ekipy... Na szczescie Wyspy i Premier League to zupelnie inna bajka - nakladanie presji na arbitrow nawet przed meczem jest na porzadku dziennym i chwala im za to, bo dzieki temu ta liga jest taka ciekawa.

Wydaje sie, ze po powrocie Jose, w klubie ze Stamford Bridge zapanowala rodzinna sielanka - wszyscy z powrotem chca grac w futbol, mowi sie po cichu o detronizacji Manchesterow. Wprawdzie nie widac i nie slychac wogole o zadnych poteznych wzmocnieniach w ekipie ale tak na dobra sprawe czego brakuje ekipie The Blues ?

W kwiecie wieku bramkarskiego Petr Cech a jeszcze do konkurencji dokupiono mu weterana w postaci Schwarzera ( co daje jasny sygnal, ze Jose chce miec keepera nie zapchaj dziure, ale kogos kto w przypadku kontuzji czecha wskoczy z miejsca i bedzie trzymal poziom ). Jedynie w formacji defensywnej widze pewne luki i braki. Wiekowy Terry i Cole to prawdopodobnie dalej beda glowne filary obrony u Mourinho a jednak obaj maja juz po 32 lata. Dalej niepewna i niejasna sprawa Luiza ktorego ciagle kusi Barcelona i The Blues zostaja jeszcze z Ivanovicem i Cahillem. Czyli mamy 5 ( z ktorych David moze niedlugo opuscic ekipe ) mocnych obroncow - nastepnie Azpilicueta i R. Bertrand ale to nie sa pelnowartosciowi zmiennicy dla Cole'a czy Ivanovica. Nie lada orzech do zgryzienia w formacji defensywnej bedzie mial Jose jesli rzeczywiscie Blaugranie uda sie skusic David'a Luiza...

...dlatego wypadaloby przeniesc srodek ciezkosci rozgrywania spotkan troche wyzej i grac tym co ma sie naprawde mocne - ofensywa. Tutaj The Blues zaczynaja wygladac naprawde solidnie - Mata, Essien, Ramires, Oscar, Moses, Mikel, Hazard oraz oczywiscie Lampard. Warte odnotowania jest ze jedynie Frank przekroczyl tutaj granice 30 lat a wiec pomoc wyglada tutaj naprawde bardzo dobrze. Wiele sie ostatnio mowi o checi sciagniecia Rooney'a na Stamford i bylaby to nielada rzecz - ten ruch wedlug mnie na 100% odbierze United szanse obrony na tytul a bardzo przyblizy zespol z Londynu do tegoz pucharu. Ale narazie wszystko rozbiega sie o spekulacje a formacja ofensywna w skladzie Torres, Ba, perspektywiczny Lukaku czy niedawno sciagniety Schurrle wyglada bardzo interesujaco. Jest mase pytan ktore mozna sobie postawic - czy El Nino sie obudzi pod skrzydlami Mourinho ? czy Ba stanie sie nr 1 dla Jose w ataku ? czy Lukaku pokaze, ze juz dorosl do tego zeby grac dla tak wymagajacego klubu ? Nie mowiac juz jaka konkurencje w szeregach ofensywnych daloby sciagniecie Wazzy z United...

Podsumowujac The Blues na tle rywali w tym sezonie maja napewno przewage w postaci managera. To jest bezdyskusyjny punkt dla nich. Jesli sciagna Rooney'a to United odpada na starcie ( o tym dlaczego pozniej ) i jedynym rywalem pozostalym na polu walki zostana The Citizens. Ale zbierajac wszystkie atrybuty do kupy, to The Blues powinni w maju uniesc puchar Premier League do gory.

Without any major entry I will try to bring the profiles of 4 potential teams that are going to finish in TOP4 in the upcoming season. The order is not random but even chronological, so let's begin :

Why is it The Blues ? For me personally the main factor in favor of londoners is the return of Jose Mourinho to the old junk. I am aware that there are plenty of antifans and critics of portuguese who claims that he's not as good manager and professional but, I disagree with that at all. I've always enjoyed his way of working with people, the way he took all the burden and media pressure just to make sure that his players would be as less as possible attacked and provoked by media. And that is big ability nowadays - to divert attention of media from others and focus it on your person only for the good of the team. During his first stay at Chelsea couple of seasons ago this psychological play would be very benefitial for him as well as for The Blues - he earned not without reason the title of "buffoon" and "self-righteous clown" ( which moreover, did not bother him at all ) when in the meantime in England Chelsea would break down each competitor into dust often leading the best rivals to the fury. I don't want to focus on the adventures of The Special One in Italy and Spain because these countries run totally different politics of clubs in league - managers are not quite allowed to do it all and speaking of Madrid it was obvious that Perez "would not part the after-match microphone" from Mourinho not even a step ( that created a conflict between two gentlemen ). Of course, this is just a metaphor although Jose could not even criticize referees for it is unworthy Los Blancos... Fortunately UK and Premier League is a different story - putting pressure on referees even before the start of a match is on the order of the day and praise them for it because this makes the league so interesting.

It seems that after the return of Jose, the club at Stamford Bridge is in a family idyll - everybody want to play football back again, even saying quietly about dethroning both of Manchester clubs. Although You cannot see or hear of any powerful enhancement in the team as a matter of fact , what is The Blues team really missing at the moment ?

In the prime of goalkeeper's life seem to be Petr Cech and yet to increase the competition there has been bought for him the veteran in the figure of Schwarzer ( what gives a clear sign that Jose wants to have a real keeper not only a "cram hole" , he wants somebody who in case of czech injury will jump straight into a goal and keep the level ). Speaking of defensive formation I can notice some lacks and gaps in there. Aged Terry and Cole are probably still going to be the main pillars of Mourinho's defensive and yet both are already 32 years old. Still uncertain and unclear case of Luiz who is being tempted by Barcelona and Chelsea could be left with Ivanovic and Cahill. So we have 5 ( from which David may soon leave the crew ) strong defenders - next are Azpilicueta i R. Bertrand who are not sterling substitutes for Cole or Ivanovic. Quite a hard nut to crack in defensive line will Jose have if Blaugrana really manages to tempt Luiz...

...therefore it would be more benefitial to move the center of playing game a bit higher and play with what You have the best - offensive. Here The Blues look really solid - Mata, Essien, Ramires, Oscar, Moses, Mikel, Hazard and of course Lampard. It is worth noting that only Frank is more than 30 years old so the midfield at Chelsea looks very strong. Recently there has been many of rumours and talks about Rooney's transfer to Stamford Bridge and that would be a big thing - this move in my opinion would take away United chances in 100% to defend the title and on the other hand would bring The Blues really close to the cup. But anyway at the moment these arejust speculations and offensive line with Torres, Ba, very perspective Lukaku or recently bought Schurrle seems to be pretty interesting formation. There are plenty of questions that could be asked - is El Nino going to finally wake up under the wings of Mourinho ? Will Ba become number 1 for Jose in attack? Can Lukaku show that he has already grown to play for such demanding club ? Without even mentioning how high would the competition grow after the Wazza transfer to Stamford...

Summing all I think that The Blues have big advantage over opponents with the figure of manager. That is an indisputable point for them. If they manage to bring Rooney then United is eliminated at the start of season ( about that why a little bit later ) and the only rival remaining on the battlefield will be Man City. But collecting all the attributes I think that The Blues will be the one raising the Premier League cup in May.

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