niedziela, 29 września 2013

6.kolejka 2013/2014 cz.2 / 6.round 2013/2014 part 2

Sunderland - Liverpool  typ : 1 dnb  @  4.25  stawka : 750 PLN  Betsafe

Przed i za Czarnymi Kotami bardzo trudny terminarz co moze miec spory wplyw na zajmowane przez nich miejsce w lidze - ostatnie. Zobaczmy z kim takim mierzyla sie dotad ekipa Sunderland'u :

- Fulham 0-1 (H)
- Soton 1-1 (A)
- Crystal Palace 1-3 (A)
- Arsenal 1-3 (H)
- WBA 0-3 (A)

Jesli o mnie chodzi, to jedynie wynik z Fulham byl tak naprawde dosyc sporym zaskoczeniem. Mecz ze Swietymi ulozyl sie od poczatku bardzo dobrze dla Kotow i dopiero bramka strzelona w 88min dala punkcik gospodarzom. Z beniaminkami zawsze gra sie bardzo ciezko bo te swieze ekipy staja na glowie zeby sie pokazac w EPL. Odnosnie spotkania z Arsenalem to widac chyba co graja podopieczni Wengera - na chwile obecna sa w mega formie i Sunderland mial pelne prawo przegrac ten mecz. To samo tyczy sie West Bromu ktory zlapal wlasnie w tej chwili wiatr w zagle ( ostatni remis w tygodniu 1-1 z Arsenalem czy sensacyjne zwyciestwo na OT 2-1 z Czerwonymi Diablami ). W takim razie czy Sunderland jest rzeczywiscie tak slaby, a moze po prostu mial troche pecha z terminarzem ?

Jesli chodzi o H2H miedzy obiema ekipami to jest ono bogate ale zamiast rozpisywac tutaj wszystkie mecze po kolei napisze tylko goly bilans gier na Stadium of Light - na 11 spotkan w EPL 6 razy wygrywali goscie, 3 razy komplet zgarniali gospodarze i 2 razy doszlo do podzialu punktowego. Jako ciekawostke mozna podac, ze w kazdym z 6 zwyciestw The Reds nie stracili ani jednego gola - czyli statystycznie jesli Sunderland juz trafial do siatki L'poolu, to tego meczu nie przegrywal... Jesliby zrobic z tych faktow takie male domino to mozemy dojsc do wniosku, ze Sunderland dzis strzeli bramke ( w ostatnim meczu z WBA nie zdobyli bramki ) co z kolei doprowadzi do nieprzegrania przez nich meczu. Kursy na Liverpool zanizone i powinny byc w okolicach takich jak w meczu na Villa Park, czyli 1.85-1.90.

Sunderland - Liverpool  pick : 1 dnb  @  4.25   stake : 750 PLN  Betsafe

In front and after The Black Cats is a very difficult schedule of games which could have pretty big influence on the position they're occupying at the moment - the last one. Let's take a look at the teams Sunderland have faced so far :

- Fulham 0-1 (H)
- Soton 1-1 (A)
- Crystal Palace 1-3 (A)
- Arsenal 1-3 (H)
- WBA 0-3 (A)

If someone asks me, the only surprising result was the one against Fulham team. The match versus The Saints was set very good for guests straight from the beginning and only goal scored in 88th minute gave a point to the home team. It's always hard to play against the fresh teams like Crystal Palace because these kind of  temas will always stand on their head to show themselves in the best possible way in EPL. Regarding the match with Arsenal I think we can all clearly see what Wenger boys are playing right now - they are in awesome form at the moment and Sunderland had a full right to lose this game. The same situation is with West Brom which have caught the wind in its sails ( last draw 1-1 in the week versus Arsenal and sensational victory 2-1 at OT against Red Devils ). Then, is Sunderland really such a poor team this season or maybe they've got a bit unlucky with the fixture ?

Speaking of H2H between these teams it's very big and rich of games but I'm not gonna write down all of the results but just plain balance of games at Stadium of Light - out of 11 games in EPL The Reds have won 6, 3 times the set of points remained at home and twice there was a tie. Interesting fact is that in each of Liverpool victories they didn't concede a single goal - so statistically if Sunderland score against Liverpool, they don't lose game... If we could make a small domino out of these facts we could reach a conclusion that Sunderland are going to score a goal today ( because last match versus WBA they did not ) which will lead them to not losing today's match. The odds on Liverpool are very low and poor and should be around the same as before match at Villa Park - so around 1.85-1.90.

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