Liverpool - Soton typ : 2 dnb @ 4.20 stawka : 400 PLN Betsafe
Buki juz zauwazyly, ze The Reds nie beda mieli latwego meczu ze Swietymi. Wplynie na to kilka czynnikow:
- gospodarze po swietnym poczatku sezonu powoli powinni zaczac wracac na wlasciwe dla nich tory czyli nie do konca regularna i stala forma ( jak przed sezonem )
- domowa passa Poolu powinna sie kiedys skonczyc ( tak tak, pomimo tylko 2 zwyciestw z rzedu jest to jedna z ich lepszych pass - dla porownania, w zeszlym sezonie tylko raz udalo im sie w EPL wygrac 3 mecze z rzedu na Anfield ! )
- Swieci pomimo nie najlepszych wynikow - szczegolnie na wlasnym terenie - wygladaja naprawde dobrze i przyjemnie oglada sie ta ekipe grajaca ofensywnie
Historia spotkan miedzy zainteresowanymi jest dosyc dluga i siega daleko ale najciekawsze sa wyniki na Anfield :
Liverpool Southampton 1:0
Liverpool Southampton 1:0
Liverpool Southampton 1:2
Liverpool Southampton 3:0
Liverpool Southampton 1:1
Liverpool Southampton 2:1
Liverpool Southampton 0:0
Liverpool Southampton 7:1
Na 8 spotkan od sezonu 1998/1999 The Reds wygrali u siebie 5 razy ale tylko 2 zwyciestwa sa tak naprawde przekonywujace (3-0 i 7-1). Oprocz tego bilans spotkan miedzy obiema zainteresowanymi ekipami to 7-4-6 czyli minimalnie na korzysc Liverpoolu. Jak widac Swieci potrafia grac z The Reds a ze ostatnio maja troche pecha ( chociazby w meczu z WHU gdzie Jaaskilainen rozegral mecz zycia ) to wystarczy troche lepiej podregulowac celniki i niespodzianka na Anfield moze stac sie faktem.
Newcastle - Hull City typ : 2 dnb @ 3.40 stawka : 750 PLN Bet365
Zastanawialem sie nad tym spotkaniem ale skromne H2H miedzy oboma ekipami oraz fakt, ze Sroki wygraly juz 2 mecze z rzedu ( rok temu tylko 1 raz udala im sie ta sztuka ! ) przekonuje mnie do grania na gosci. W historii 4 spotkan miedzy obiema ekipami ( 2 mecze w EPL i 2 mecze w FA Cup ) Castle nie wygralo ani 1 spotkania...
To wyglada na wrecz idealny moment na przelamanie dla Hull - po dwoch porazkach z rzedu 2-0 na wyjezdzie przychodzi dobry moment zeby zdobyc jakies punkty a rywal na wlasnym obiekcie nie stracil jeszcze gola co dodatkowo moze byc plusem dla gosci.
Liverpool - Soton pick : 2 dnb @ 4.20 stake : 400 PLN Betsafe
The bookies have already noticed that this game against The Saints is not going to be so easy for The Reds team. Couple of factors may affect this :
- home team after very good beginning of season shall slowly get back to appropriate for them track which means not regular and stabil form ( just like season ago )
- home run of Pool victories should finish one day ( yes yes , despite only 2 wins in a row this is one of their best pass - for example last season in EPL they managed only 1 time to win 3 games in a row at Anfield ! )
- The Saints in spite of not the best results - especially at home - look really good and it's pleasurable to watch them playing offensively
The history of the meetings between these two teams is pretty long and goes far back but the most interesting results were at Anfield :
Liverpool Southampton 1:0
Liverpool Southampton 1:0
Liverpool Southampton 1:2
Liverpool Southampton 3:0
Liverpool Southampton 1:1
Liverpool Southampton 2:1
Liverpool Southampton 0:0
Liverpool Southampton 7:1
Out of 8 games played since 1998/1999 The Reds have won 5 but only 2 victories were really convincing (3-0 and 7-1). Besides the balance of the games between these teams is 7-4-6 so it gives just a bit advantage for Liverpool. As we can see The Saints know how to play against The Reds and because recently they've had a bit tough luck ( even in the game versus West Ham where Jaaskelainen played probably the game of his life ) it's only the matter of adjusting viewfinder and a surprise at Anfield could be a fact.
Newcastle - Hull City pick : 2 dnb @ 3.40 stawka : 750 PLN Bet365
I've been thinking of this game but modest H2H stats between these teams and the fact that The Magpies have already won 2 games in the row ( last year this thing happened to them only once ! ) convince me to play in favour of the guests. In the history of 4 games played ( 2 matches in EPL and 2 in FA Cup ) Castle haven't won a single one...
This looks like an ideal moment for Hull to break - after 2 away defeats 2-0 in a row there comes a moment to grab some points and the rival on its ground hasn't lost a goal yet which may be another bonus for the guests.
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